
Responses from guy545

My Last CD player
I would suggest not to buy a player from a company who decided to stop supporting the medium, plenty of good choice out there  from brand still in the game!If your a music lover and your looking for a transport, C.E.C. is great ! 
Looking for my "last" CD transport
I think it makes sense to choose a product from a brand that stillbelieve and support the format : Accuphase, Esoteric, C.E.C, Gryphon,Audio Note(UK), etc. I am happy to see quite a few.Some just keep a player to add a few sales but their interest... 
Looking for my "last" CD transport
If you want to keep a certain distance from your music and youprefer not to get too much involve. A DVD player is the best option. 
Looking for my "last" CD transport
I would recommend a CEC transport, they are reliable and very musical.Vintage transport is not a good idea unlessyou have no budget. 
Building new system starting with power amp. What would you choose ?
I'll take the Gryphon Diablo 300. 
6000 dollars CD player
Thanks for the reply, also being fair about the price, no crazy up chargehere!Wish you success with the brand. 
6000 dollars CD player
Wow, just checked your web site. I'm glad Canor is in the usa.Is, for spinning CD's, the 1,10 not the better player? 
6000 dollars CD player
Don't forget the CD 1,10 , their top player! Canor from Slovakia, deserve better recognition.If curious have a look at that cool demo.  
6000 dollars CD player
Maybe the DP-560 is more in line with the rest of your gear.Some people claim Accuphase work best together, if that's true your one step away, synergy is very important.No experience comparing the two players, possible the shopowner is correct, th... 
6000 dollars CD player
There is a mint Accuphase  Dp 430 for sale on audiogon.Asking price 3500$,   US version, might be for you ? 
6000 dollars CD player
Hi,Since you mention that you don't need sacd, and your preference, like me, is classical music. I suggest you have a look at CEC cd players andtransports.You have a great system so you will need a great source!I've been using a CEC TL51xr player ...