
Responses from gthiel

Question for Paradigm Owners, what speaker cable??
Bomarc,I've always thought as you; as long as the gauge was correct for the current what's the reason for all the rest. But the issues of Xc and Xl, capacitive and inductive reactance, as well as EMI must be considered at the level of resolution m... 
speaker cable; what to do?
Thanks everyone for responding! :) My sources are an Arcam CD92, Magnum Dynalab 101 Tuner and a Beogram 3404 TT. Speaker placement is good: 6-7' apart, 8-9 from couch, 2 from rear wall and 7 from sides. Changing location is not an option. I like t... 
speaker cable; what to do?
Aball,$500.00 or less for two channels. I run a bryston 3B ST with the Reference 60v2s. LOVE THEM as well. 
Question for Paradigm Owners, what speaker cable??
So Bomarc, what would you do if you were dealing with 25-30 feet between amp speaker? 
Question for Paradigm Owners, what speaker cable??
Hi All,I own a pair of Reference Studio 60V2 and use 12awg "speaker" cable from my local home center. It sounds good, but I'm concerned if I should use an "audiophile" cable. I have ~25-30 feet beteen my power amp and speakers. What should I do?Th...