
Responses from gsxr

Buzz/hum from amps, NOT from speakers
The power company came out and did some testing, and so far they are stumped too. They're pretty sure it's coming from the line somehow (outside my house) but at the moment we're not sure how to locate the source, or fix it. They're going to have ... 
Buzz/hum from amps, NOT from speakers
Bad news: The UPC-200HB didn't cure the problem. I think it may have reduced it, but not $400 worth. I sent an email to the power company already. Anyone want to buy a new-in-box UPC-200HB? Drop me an email...:-/ 
Buzz/hum from amps, NOT from speakers
Hi everyone, thanks for the replies! Here's an update, and some answers to your questions:Nsgarch: I agree, I believe it's dirty power. A voltage check shows 119-122VAC, so it's not due to low voltage. I'm hoping to avoid buying a regenerator, as ...