
Responses from gstewtoo

EVS Music Purifiers - Amazed by how much improvement they make! Anyone else try them?
I've had 2 pair of Music Purifiers in my bi-wired pair of Eminent Technology LFT-VIIIB's for a couple of months now. I liked what I heard when I first put them in, more spacious, sound sources were better defined and separate. BUT like the OP (Bo... 
Eminent Technology LFT 7 !!
Just saw this LFT-VI pair plus bass modules from LFT-VIII's listed on EBay for $2,500 USD earlier this week: went pretty fast, 2-3 days. I p... 
Eminent Technology LFT 7 !!
Sorry for the slow response, busy couple of weeks at work. @bdp24, was it obvi that I love ET speakers? I’ll have to try to hide that better! I did do all the xover and panel upgrades myself, if anyone is interested message me and I can send you a... 
Eminent Technology LFT 7 !!
Interesting... sorry I missed this thread earlier.I got a pair of LFT-VIs in 1994 or so and used them as my main speakers until I moved across-country in late 2006.From 1981-1994, I cycled through Acoustat 2s, 2+2s, MG-IIIAs (Still the best highs ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Actually, some Japanese audiophiles did something in the same vein with bright lights and solar panels... discussed here: in Mississippi 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
LOL.I'll try to respond to the ET-I vs II in more detail later this week... bottom line, I really liked the way the air bearing and arm base mounted mechanically on the ET-I and have always thought that upgrading the arm-spindle, arm-headshell, an... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
I looked a little more tonight and it is much worse than I thought... not un-recoverable, but needing a LOT more TLC than I expected knowing that it does run and produce pressure.First the sound-absorbing foam has REALLY deteriorated. In the botto... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Thx for the info and legwork. That'll be very helpful.I pulled the fitting off the top outlet and will try a few possible options this afternoon.One thought... is it better to run the 50psi into a surge, then regulate it down, or regulate first, t... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Thx for the info and legwork. That'll be very helpful.I pulled the fitting off the top outlet and will try a few possible options this afternoon.One thought... is it better to run the 50psi into a surge, then regulate it down, or regulate first, t... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Ok, you guys are a bad influence... I just bought a used, ugly ebay Timeter Aridyne 3000. It seems to make air ok, so now I need to find adapters for the air outlets... where to get?Should work better than my little hobby airbrushing pump. Probabl...