
Responses from gryfon762

Aria phono preamp - Mike Elliot blog
Jafox,I agree with your words! And I bet that Mr. Elliott will do a great job for our hearing! Mr. Elliott is a genius and in the past with every products he has done(from the simple SA 1000 to more complicated and sophisticated SA 11 or SA 9) he ... 
Manley Snapper or VTL ST 150
Dear friend,if you looking for the muschle of SS and immediacy of tubes MANLEY is your brand, no dubts! Passive preamp and Snapper is a great couple in terms of music pleasure and are very electrically compatible... RECOMMENDED! Enjoy! Francesco 
What's the right MIT speaker cable?
Thank You very much for your help, Merganser!But I need your help also for the speaker cable, please peruse my question.I know that the MIT interconnect cable have the adjustable impedance setting but my questions is on the right speaker cable.Tha...