
Responses from groverh

Grover Huffman Cables
Hi Guys, I answer every email. Maybe the email gets messed up from time to time. I don’t know but I’m very upset to hear this. I too hate when emails are not responded to.  
Grover Huffman Speaker Cables
here's an email I recently received regarding my speaker cables" Floored by these speaker cables. I had no idea that speaker cables would have such a strong influence on the sound. I assumed the SUT to pre would be the biggest change, but I’m not... 
Grover Huffman Speaker Cables
Oh really how about a competition  
whats the very best sounding cables for realistic money
Yes there is directionality depending on the design, my cables are directional because of the elements within the cable to stabilize the magnetic wave form. More basic designs like generic cables are not directional unless there is a dedicated shi... 
whats the very best sounding cables for realistic money
As a cable designer for 2 decades I can declare all cable designers want the same thing to design a cable that leaves no signature of it's own without distortion. The end result is to render a true musical presentation, in tone, realism, openness,... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Yes, I remember that e-mail well. I was not talking about your design (you added that), the “it” referred to a new coating which has nothing to do with your design and you know that very well. I also remember the end of our relationship and it had... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
By the way it's a lie that I incorporated your design. I only use my own design Ken. 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Ken you're a favor of the month. Yummy chocolate fudge, a month later wow chocolate brownie fudge and only 20 times more expensive. I remember Ken how wrong you have been on so much.I know how wonderful my cables are, I also know I couldn't live w... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Do you remember this email from you to me?Hi Grover, I just received the speaker connectors to be able to connect your speaker cables to my system. It took a bit of work getting it all connected because of the limited space behind the components -... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Your funny Sabai, you speak with such authority but I know you, you're a long way from being an authority. You claim I stole your design, I did not. Your design doesn't work it kills the music. 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Just look at my Testimonial page there are honest comparisons to all kinds of high end cables Shunyata included. Your prejudiced view Sabi is obvious. 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Sorry Sabai you've only heard the older cables. The new cable blows the others away. IMHO. We'll let time decide. Shunyata are just copper cables and even shielded. Any way you're prejudice. Can I ask a question why would copper cables cost thousa... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
IMHO Shunyata haven't the clarity of my cables, and dismissing my cables via my price point shows price bias that isn't reflected in reality.What makes a great cable is its ability to transport a signal without putting a signature over it. Most ca...