
Responses from graub

Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Joey I hear you that you are not looking for advice. I am going to give you the website for the most life altering work I have ever done. Check it out for yourself and do what your heart tells you. There is infinite possibility for all of us.The c... 
Cheap tweaks...What would YOU reccomend?
I read some good things about various cd mats. Marigo Labs has just brought out a new version of their mat so I gave it a try. I have been using it for a week and I am amazed that a $90 cd mat with some holes cut out in it (I have no technical exp... 
Analysis Plus Crystal ovals vs. Nordost Valhalla??
For my new system I auditioned Nordost Valhalla and Analysis Plus Golden Ovals. I wasn't happy with either, the Valhalla were open and revealing but in my system a little edgy and harsh. The AP Golden Oval were smooth as silk but I felt I had a th... 
Interconnects:Dazed and Confused
Thanks for the advice and suggestions. The message I am getting is big money doesn't necessarily mean better music.I will take some time to audition some reasonably priced IC's. 
Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 cd player question
Sorry wrong forum. Meant to post on digital.