
Responses from gonefishin

Speakers that have holographic imaging on vocals..
I would add Silverline Sonatinas to the list. My System-Audio's image and stage real well too...but the Sonatinas do this just a bit better :) 
do you have a sperate audio and HT system?
All valid points...I do understand my system is compromised...largely due to the room...but the focus of my system is 2 channel...and the HT just sorta follows along. I can't wait to get my edgarhorns done (one of these days)...I have heard them a... 
do you have a sperate audio and HT system?
thanks for the input so far. I guess, ideally, it would be better to have seperate systems...the one thing I am not willing to change is the room. I have my main (and only) system in my livingroom. This is a big reason why the systems are integrat...