
Responses from giantsfreak

High Speed USB DAC?
Thanks to all for your responses. PS Audio confirmed that the Digital Link iii will not show up as a High Speed Device. They also confirmed that high definition (24 bit 96/192) capable USB DACs will utilize the High speed bus while the DLiii is on... 
High Speed USB DAC?
Thanks Cmalak - great suggestion. I've been to his site many times. 
B&W 804s vs Usher Dance Mini-One
Thanks to all for the responses.Jaybo - why do you think it's a sideways move? I was hoping to sell the 804s for more than the Mini Ones and put some of the extra cash into an integrated amp. 
B&W 804s vs Usher Dance Mini-One
Thanks for your response. I've heard both and according to the specs, there is only a 4hz difference in the bottom end. I'd like to "future proof' the purchase a little, as we may move to a larger house in the future. I may go with the BE718 to sa...