
Responses from ggl

Hi-End Electronics to drive B&W 804S speakers?
I have a pair of B&W 804S's. Last year, I was looking to upgrade from my Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver. I listened critically to the integrated amp offerings from Musical Fidelity, Classe, Krell and McIntosh with my source material and a pair... 
What's your profession? Age?
Well, hagtech, you are of course correct -- and obviously so, even to those of us without mathematics backgrounds -- yet the matter may be even more complex.Your answer apparently assumes that the percentage of people in the population who are aud... 
What should I upgrade -- speakers or amp?
Your responses have been helpful in my decision-making process, which concluded this morning when I bought a pair of new B&W 804s speakers.I was very interested in the VR4jrs, but unfortunately, the only dealer anywhere near me is in the proce... 
What should I upgrade -- speakers or amp?
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions; I will definitely look to speakers rather than an amp as the next upgrade.Jdodmead, I'm particularly intrigued by your suggestion of the Von Schweikert VR4jr's, especially since you had the CDM7NT's, as ... 
Dings on B&W 802 tweeters
For what it's worth, I have B&W CDM 7 NTs -- plainly a different speaker with a different tweeter from the 802s, but somewhat similar design from the same manufacturer. I inadvertently damaged the tweeter on one speaker -- a substantial ding, ... 
Upgrade receiver for B&W CDM7 NTs?
Thank you for your responses. I first bought the Rotel. Unfortunately, the FM reception with the Rotel was poor, even with a new antenna, and shockingly so compared to the mass-market Sony receiver it replaced. I am apparently located in an area w...