
Responses from geraldoneill100

advice re old shelf speakers
hi imhififanthanks for advice. seems to me you are probably correct and i can always call panasonic to check. so if you are indeed correct then i need to find shelf speakers that have the same 4 connections as i need active crossover. or do some a... 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi tomicgood advice. thank you. no problem with yogi. pointed out error of his ways. job done. move on. i can understand your feelings re slayer. took a fair while for my ears/brain to acclimatise, but they are much more 'musical' than you think. ... 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi tomica novel approach. i will have a think.thanks for mentioning mum but rather funny as i had a response earlier from yogiboy saying i was terrible for making such a thing up, but apologising if he was wrong! some people...she lets me smoke in... 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi yogiboy. maybe reread my posts as was some humour and thought i was chatting with nice people, if strangers. i try to think of strangers as friends i just dont know very well yet. also read my reply to you above. what i would say is my post was... 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi oldaudiophile, any response helpful mate, apart from trolls like yogiboy, though i think his post was removed. although i adore seriously aggressive/fast metal i really love all music. i love al jarreau, early elvis costello and tubeway army, i... 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi imhififani have manual and says crossover freq 200hz, 8khz. is this a clue or is there somewhere i should look re if crossover is active? are you saying i need a speaker with a particular way they are set up? please excuse my ignorance. g 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi yogiboy. thank you so much for sharing. i believe there are ill, poor, abused and miserable people all over the world that would love to hear from you. i mentioned my situation as i was concerned i would be considered a tightass due to my unwil... 
advice re old shelf speakers
hi jason bourne. thanks for your input and you are quite right. sadly, as i made a point of mentioning right at the top in my original post, i have had to make sacrifices as i care for my elderly mother as she has dementia. for last 3 years been i... 
advice re old shelf speakers
the klipsch look uk they are £500. i am hoping to spend way less. no issue re space behind speakers. i use potplayer as media player on laptop for music videos/concerts as the best sound i have found and have the bass way down as i do on t... 
advice re old shelf speakers
thanks for the replies. the speakers that came with the system are 6 ohm and say input 160w music and 80w din. says output sound pressure level is 80db. 17cm woofer, 12cm mid 6cm tweeter. as system cost me 50 quid plus 150 additions and i am not f... 
advice re old shelf speakers
thanks for the reply, but unless i am mistaken they are several hundred quid. so, unfortunately, not what i was looking for, unless you know something i don't. g