Responses from garybegd
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? The 50 best jazz albums of all time Thanks for posting this list. I already have about half of these on vinyl. Now I have the other half in a playlist on Amazon Music. Good news is most of them are hi-rez! | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? One of the great things about Jazz for audiophiles is that most of it was recorded live. So even on a studio recording, the entire band is in the studio playing at the same time. No overdubs. No solos dropped in by some star who was never in the s... | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? Hardly a mention here of Count Basie. While best known as leader of his big band, towards the end of his career he made a number of outstanding small combo albums on the Pablo Label. Look for any that say Basie Jam or Kansas City. Great music and ... | |
Unipivot tone arms After 30 years using the original Rega arm, I have no doubt that the unipivot 3D arm on my VPI Prime is a significant upgrade. However it sounds a bit better since I added the Dual Pivot, which also solves the possible problem with azimuth because... | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? I love threads like this. I use them to create playlists on my Amazon Music account. I already have a lot of these on vinyl, but new vinyl is way too expensive for me to load up on. Fortunately, I built most of my LP collection in the early CD day... | |
Most compatible phono pre for Lyra Delos Interesting that both Kiko and Downunder both agree that the P-75 sounds better than the Slee Reflex C. I could not disagree more. I've had P-75's for about 6 years...first a MKI then adn MKII.I have written glowingly about them and recommended th... | |
Review: Usher Be-718 Monitor I'm still breaking in an American pair of Tiny Dancers. I'm at around 300 hours and the sound continues to improve.I hear none of the anomalies people here are complaining about. The highs are as accurate as any I've sizzle and no ringi... | |
You know you're an audiophile if-- besides your main 2 channel system, you have a 5.1 in the living room, and NAD/Athena system in your wife's office and wake up to a JBL clock radio. Then you buy a 2nd home and put a nice stereo in one bedroom, and some nice little Kef's under the... |