

Responses from garibaldi

Motorboating after tube change
Thanks for all the responses. It's apparent to me that the fix is beyond my capabilities. Therefore, it's going in for repair. It'll take a while for an answer since the unit needs to be shipped. I will post the results of that repair here when I ... 
Motorboating after tube change
Thanks, Guys.Based on your responses and those on AA, I have a coincidence on my hands. Hard to believe, but there it is. Thanks for diagnosing this over the interwebs.GP 
Cartridge Skips Beginning of Record
I found out that the arm lift rest was set too high for the arm/cartridge combo. This is non-adjustable so I had to lower the VTA a little, maybe two mm. Problem solved.I checked with Clearaudio and a couple of cartridge suppliers and was told the... 
Set Overhang on arm w/adjustable tracking angle
Thanks for all your responses. They have confirmed my suspicions of how to align the cartridge. Here's why I was confused: The arm and turntable I have included the Clearaudio protractor, but there were no instructions for using it. I was confused... 
Denon 103 Mounting Bolts and Nuts
Mofimadnessg a r y p i g h e t t i @ h o t m a i l . c o m 
Denon 103 Mounting Bolts and Nuts
Mofi:Thanks! I've been all over the lot and can't seem to find what I need. Your offer is very generous.GP 
Which: $1000 MM or Transformer and $400 MC?
RoscoeiiiThe Aikido works for me because I like the way it sounds, it's bulletproof, it has a Phono Dude phono section and it was inexpensive.Nothing in my system was bought new. Where I live there's no opportunity to hear anything before I purcha... 
MC Phono Pre Gain
Al,Thank you for your thorough and enlightening response. I appreciate the thought that went into it.Regards,GP 
MC Phono Pre Gain
Thank you very much for your responses. First, they've given me a greater understanding of the complexity of the question I asked. I appreciate the mini-seminar in preamp gain. Second, I confess to utter ignorance of these points. For those who as... 
Denon 103 output--Step-up needed?
Thanks for the info all. At the time I was using a Van Alstine solid state preamp. It definitely had enough volume. Evidently the phono stage could handle the low output of the Denon.GP 
Arcam or Unison Unico
Unfortunately VA doesn't have a CD player, just a DAC. I convinced VA to do a CD for me after talking to Frank. He mentioned a particular model Magnavox that he used to modify but were no longer available. I contacted them and found out that they ... 
Review: Golden Tube SEP-1se Tube preamp
I felt the same way about my GT SEP-1 until the transformer went south. No parts, no way. When I tried to get it fixed, the tech stated that the soldering was so bad, even if he could find a transformer (he couldn't), resoldering all the points in...