

Responses from fusionout

First tube preamp recommendations (under $5k)
You need to check out Aric audio. They are a small Company on the East Coast, All American made, Point to point wiring, very good products and priced just right. His new top-of-the-line Motherlode 2 preamp is getting some buzz. I own one of his ea... 
Phono Stage, How much do I need to spend, New or used.
I want to thank everyone for their opinions and recommendations. This thread has been very helpful. Again, Thanks so much. 
Need help with phono stage and cartridge upgrade.
I listen to mostly contemporary jazz and also some folk, like James Taylor and Joni Mitchell and occasionally some fusion. My system is a mix of vintage and new equipment. My Amps are B&K 200 mono blocks with a Aric audio tube rectified preamp... 
Better Power Supply for a Router?
A better power supply definitely makes a difference on your router. I use a better power supply on my cable modem and NAS also. It will take your network set up to another level, That is if rest of your system is revealing enough to hear it. We al... 
Simple and Effective Upgrade for Wall Wart Power Supplies
I have used the Chinese Power supplies in my System. they are a great improvement over a wall wart. I was reading one of the hifi forum one night on power supplies, and someone was talking about using a power supply that the ham radio people use. ... 
Aric Audio Systems Unlimited Preamp
I am so glad to hear you guys speak of Aric audio. I have the Limitless preamp and i love it. I noticed that it is no longer on his website, I think it was replaced with the Transcend series preamp. I am thinking about looking into getting my Limi...