
Responses from funkymo

Exemplar Denon 5910 owners
Hey Purk, noticed in another post that you've been an owner of both the stock Sony SCD-777es & the Modwright version.....I'd very much like to hear your listening impressions. What speakers were you using when you were comparing those to the 5... 
DAC/Preamp with Balanced Outputs $2500 new/used
The Exasound E-22 Mkll should be at the very top of your short list. 
High res tube amps under $1.5k : TAD-60 perhaps?
Hello from Wisconsin. I know exactly what you mean about the Aleph 30, GREAT AMP! but lacking in absolute slam. I think the reason you find the Aleph so intoxicating is that it is a single ended design. Push-Pull amps, either Tube or Solid state i...