
Responses from flyboyb76

How old is too old?
You're never too old to enjoy music and great equipment makes music more enjoyable. I'm 71 and just bought a pair of Tannoy Canterburys. Best speakers I've ever had and I've had plenty-Avantgarde Trios, Maggies, Hornings, etc.They're all great spe... 
Tannoy Westminster amp matching question.
Art80342, I have Tannoy Canterbury SE'S and was driving them with an older LFD Mistral, which I still use for my TV setup.It's a nice little integrated. I recently hooked up a pair of de Havilland Aries 845 monos and the difference is shocking.I'm... 
Most musical integrated amp you have heard?
What I have in my current system,the LFD NCSE. Better than the Viva Solista I had for a few years.And, no heat.