

Responses from flron777

Serious Krell amp question for those who really know Krell amps
While I have no first hand listening experience with the older Krells, I own the Krell Duo and Trio 300’s and absolutely love the sonic experience they provide. I don’t think there is a time I listen seriously and drive them a bit hard that I don’... 
Greatest rhythm sections
Malcolm Young, Phil Rudd and Cliff Williams.  
Miami, Florida
Greetings from Broward County. Thankfully we have the internet to indulge our hobby, as there seem to be fewer places to listen to various high-end components in this area, although I can't say I'm very familiar with south Florida audio stores. I ... 
Krell Foundation
I have the Krell Foundation and it has performed flawlessly in the 2+ years I have it. It has won awards and acclaim, so there should be lots of information for you to look at.  
Wilson Audio Haters
I've never heard them, so I have an open mind about their performance. However, the first time I ever saw them, I recoiled at their appearance, as they reminded me of a piece of medical equipment from the 50's-60's.  
Krell iBasis Amp
Greetings. I wish I had greater experience with a wide range of amps to compare, but I upgraded last year from a Yamaha DSPA1 to the Krell Duo and Trio 300, running with the Krell Foundation and I never cease to be in awe of the musical experience...