
Responses from firewall

Love the shelter 501MK2, what's the next step
---------- Correction -----------Is my shelter one of the best cartridge that a Phono preamp and a tonearm can take advantage of? should have read:Is my shelter one of the best cartridge that MY Phono preamp and MY tonearm can take advantage of? 
Love the shelter 501MK2, what's the next step
You guys are very good at spending someone else money!Based on the reply so far on the associated equipment.Is my shelter one of the best cartridge that a Phono preamp and a tonearm can take advantage of?I do like SQ that I have already. As I ment... 
Love the shelter 501MK2, what's the next step
Thanks for the feedbacks. How much therapy can one get for $5K!.Up to $5000.00 key word is "UP" it doesn't have to be.I am currently happy at $1200.00! What get confusing is when I look at and there is 80 cartridges available from... 
To clean zerodust
Just take it out of the box and gently clean with water. Let it air dry than put it back in.I have done this every couple month with no issues at all.The official instructions: When the cleaning element begins looking a little grungy, just wash it... 
6922 Tubes for Raysonic CD128
Just wandering if all the Raysonic ship with the same stock tubes.Mine was one of the first CD-128, spring 06 and came with Electro Harmonix 6922EH.