
Responses from feniks

Two systems in the same room
Boa2 thanks, I will probably do as you suggested but now I have to check up on dealers in my area. 
Two systems in the same room
Thanks everybody. I currently have an old setup of Krell 400xi integrated SS amp and Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors that don't do it really well for rock. I was thinking of going in to purchase of some stronger speakers and some tube gear (since I n... 
What hapened to VAC Phi 2.0 preamp
Thank you all for your info. Reading everything on the forums on the VAC preamp and amps, I think it will be my next system. I only need to start saving now. 
What hapened to VAC Phi 2.0 preamp
Do you think it fits well with Sonus Faber speakers, namely the new Amati. 
What hapened to VAC Phi 2.0 preamp
So, hifimaniac, you think they can be made on order?It is definitely the most beautiful tube preamp I have ever seen.