
Responses from fatjer

Review: Tube Audio Design TAD 150 Tube preamp
I just purchased this pre-amp from Paul, and I can't believe how much it improved the performance of my Cayin TA-30, an already fantastic sounding piece of kit, with the added bonus of now having remote capability. If you have a Cayin integrated, ... 
UPS is in bed with the devil,
You think UPS sucks, Fed-Ex has turned to crap with their new "Rules" for shipping electronics. If it is not in the factory box, max. insurance is $100.00 If it is in the factory box, maybe, and only after the 3rd. degree, $500.00 max. insurance a... 
Why has Audiogon suspended "Wanted" ads?
I believe Audiogon should get on the "Stick" and re-instate the Wanted ad section ASAP, and charge the basic $2.00 fee.Hell, ebay gets an arm & leg for thier services. We will pay, go!!!!!