
Responses from ericdiam

Recording Analog Backups to PC and CD
Check out iVinyl. It is imported exclusively by member Audioparts. I have been using it with outstanding results. Its a USB A/D converter complete with all software. Fremer at Stereophile had a great review for it as well in July. I am not associa... 
How to Convert Analog Tapes to CD?
I am using iVinyl which is distributed by Audioparts. I'm using it with great success comverting my LP's to ipod and CD. It can also be used to comvert any high level like analog tapes to CD or itunes as well. Do a search for iVinyl, Audioparts se... 
Analog to digital
HII just began using the iVinyl pre analog to digital devise. It is being distributed by member Audioparts. Hes running an ad for it. The unit is just fantastic and easy to use. I'm converting my vinyl collection to CD and also loading it to itune...