
Responses from entier99

Streamer options
Zavato, I might suggest you take a look at smallgreencomputer.com. They specialize in the streaming side of audio.  They make excellent product and have excellent service.  There are many ways to solve the streaming solution.  Their website provid... 
Is room treatment a science?
There are many good responses explaining the science and approach to this problem.  So I don’t have anything unique to add.  I do highly recommend you look at the Acoustic Sciences Corporation (ASC) products.  I have used them for the last 15 year... 
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
So much great music!  Apparently they were wrong.  Clapton is not God.  But I bet God sure would like to play like him.  It's a shame father time always wins. 
Integrateds: Why do they all SUCK?
Vinnie Rossi LIO.  With the LIO yo have choices.  Choices of input line stages, DAC, two different phono stages, headphone amp.  You can order it one way and change it as your needs change.  This is the finest piece of audio equipment I have ever ...