
Responses from elite1967

ARC Ref. 3 - New Tubes - Need help
I spoke with ARC and they said that the position does not matter, as each tube actually is a "stereo" tube so inside each tube will flow the signal of both channels.They confirmed what Hansk46 said above: if I use two pairs of tubes put them in V1... 
By-pass fuse and add a circuit breaker
Ok.You convinced me.Will stick with fuses. 
Cables advice for ARC + Mark Levinson + Wilson
Hi all,I will receive a pair of XLO signature and see how they go.thanks to all 
ARC Ref. 3 - New Tubes - Need help
Thanks to all.But I got two opposite answers...What is the correct answer? 
Speakers for ML 33H
Thanks for your inputs.I will demo the WP7 at my house next week.Will return with comments. 
Speakers for ML 33H
Thanks Tmsorosk.Any other comments?