
Responses from elementcable

High resolution Copper IC with PRAT like AntiCable
It's good you know what you're looking for. I've come across many who just wants to upgrade but don't know the sound they're after.I suggest a design using thin solid core conductors, also Teflon dielectric would be great.Anthony 
Cables for Classe/B&W system?
What's your budget and the type of sound you're looking for? I'm sure folks here can give you some ideas to look at. 
High resolution Copper IC with PRAT like AntiCable
You might also want to look at XLO cables, they make fast sounding copper cables, or Nordost. Wondering, what's your reason for not considering silver cables since silver has a lot of what you're looking for.Anthony 
$59 PC Options
I don't post here much, but thought I'd chime in on this one. I'd be very surprised if you don't hear a difference with our Element Red Storm cord.In my experience cords makes the most difference in cdp, follow by preamp, then amp.Cheers,Anthony 
House calls vs. institutions?
Wow! the same idea I had when we started our Signature line a couple years ago, says it clearly on our Signature front page.I usually don't post here to promote our business, just nice to see someone else with the same thinking and had to chime in... 
What cable first
CD player or preamp first, then amp.Have an idea of what type of sound you're looking for, even reasonable price cords can sound different from each other. The wrong cord will sound worse than stock cord.When high-end companies started selling cor... 
IC question
I second Lak's recommendation. Listen, then switch the interconnect from source to Pre with the interconnects Pre to amp. I usually hear more change with IC's from source to preamp. Don't think you will get the same impact with a second pair, you ...