

Responses from ekohn00

Thiel Owners
Well Hi @tomthiel ,  You do know when you post such a message, someone will ask, so what can I expect as far as upgrade packaged for my 2,3s, 3.7s, and SCS4? They're old, but like me they're beautiful. And it never hurts to see if they can be ma... 
Thiel Owners
@jafant Thanks, I've never had CS2.7 (unless I wrote the wrong number in an old post).  Have and love my CS3.7s. Good for a lifetime of wondering how can I make them even better without going bankrupt on the next AMP.  :)  
Thiel Owners
@pablohoney  my bad. I actually have the scs3 center.  I once looked at the mcs1. Unfortunately if memory serves it’s too tall for the space in my cabinet to fit below the tv.     might have to find another way. Definitely a speaker to reconside... 
Thiel Owners
I’m running 5.1 home theater setup with 2.7s as my front and the SCS2s for center and rear. I’m considering changing the center and curious if anyone has suggestions that would fit nicely. thanks  
Used Bryston 7b-SST or Emotive XPA-DR1
thanks. makes for a very hard decission.  
Thiel 2.3 behind couch or B&W 607 Bookshelf for rears.
Thanks all.  I ended up with a pair of scs2s.  Something to say about Thiel all around.  :) 
Thiel Owners
Hi folks,im looking to go from 5.1 to 7.1 currently my hone theater has 3.7 fronts, scs3 center and 2.7 surrounds. Im looking for a cheap but decent rears but have no idea what would match well. Hate to say I do want to keep it cheap. I considered... 
Thiel Owners
Hey folks, i could use some recommendations for optimizing my home theater.  Mom running 5.1 with Thiel 3.7 as my Fronts, an SCS3 center and 2.3s for my rear.  I have then connected to a Denon POA-A1HDC on bridge mode which provides 500w to 4 ohms...