
Responses from dwnload

AU24e Interconnects - but warmer
Cheers guys. I have been playing around with a few different sets of IC's that I borrowed from friends over the weekend and it has made such a difference! I was able to do some a/b comparisons which highlighted how bright the Audience AU24e's are ... 
AU24e Interconnects - but warmer
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I have some reading and searching to do! @Kotta RE Bi-wire, I am only running a single run, and have it connected to the high frequency terminals. I have ordered some decent jumpers and when they arrive will move i... 
AU24e Interconnects - but warmer
Yes they were used cables and gave them a few weeks to settle before any critical listening, and unfortunately just a bit too bright for my set-up (but they are so close to the sound I am after)! Sure with the right gear (tubes) they would be amaz...