
Responses from dpgaloot

Where to go from here...
First of all thanks for all the input here!  This is exactly what I was hoping to get!Michaela, I agree completely on not rushing and am looking forward to the show in Denver.  I took Stereo Review as a kid in the 70s and 80s, and was proud of my ... 
Where to go from here...
Thanks for the responses.  French_fries I made some notes, you mentioned some gear I had not heard of before.  I did some googling and will continue to follow up.  I'm planning on attending Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in October (my first ever event... 
Where to go from here...
Uh, my wife has many great qualities but cooking isn't on the list.  And I don't know your wife, but pissing my wife off and giving her a power saw doesn't seem wise.  I'd definitely need new speakers then, and my "fixed porch" would have 14" hole...