
Responses from dpetrenko

Static electricty - Can it damage audio gear
After talking to a technician at Harman he said that ESD can cause some glitches in the circuitry. Since the unit works fine he thinks that there should be no damage from previous zaps. What I still find strange is that I do not feel a zap or see ... 
Proceed Avp2 problem- jumps to setup menu
Thanks BobI did receive some additional info from HSG and checked into some other suggestions. I now beleive the problem is static electricity reeking havoc on the AVP2. It is the first time I have had this problem with any audio component. It's w... 
MIT MH 750 magnum speaker cables
Thanks for the feedback. I chose the Magnum MH 750 and have had them in my system for about 2 weeks. A significant improvement indeed. My speakers have come to life. If they get any better in the next phase of breakin, I may just reach audio nirvana.