
Discussions dolifant has started

Non VPI Tonearms for Scoutmaster20581
Current recordings on vinyl?376115
Shelter 901 with VPI JMW9 Signature49197
Stereo Tube Amps for JM Labs Electra 927 Be37155
Tube Monoblocks for JM Labs Electra 927 Be35344
LAST Record Preservative. Do you believe?1765232
Are some tracks impossible to track?554418
What is distortion due to?419011
How to convert lps to CD?397613
Digitally recorded lps?426314
Which Phono Pre to upgrade to?39526
What upgrade to my scoutmaster system next?28212
Ground wire not being used21871
Adjusting the arm height in the VPI JMW 915371
VPI table, cart and phonostage? - Novice.928026