

Responses from doji

How about Monitor Audio Silver 8 speakers ? pair with a Mcintosh MC2105
Oh,  forgot this thread for quite a while.Update:   I sold the Monitor Audio S8 last year,  replaced with a pair of old B&W 802F floor standing speakers. As the Monitor Audio is not quite well in producing classic musics like symphony,  also I... 
B&W 805D vs. Dynaudio Contour S1.4
read through multiple threads about Dyna vs. others,  S1.4 or C1.   I have a pair of old B&W 802 F model (older than the 802 Matrix model),  and used to have a pair of Focal Aria 906 bookshelf which I sold and regret.. Now I am in hunt for ano... 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
I felt sorry for myself now as I sold my Focal Aria 906,  due to I have to get rid of the hazardous stuff in my living room for my baby daughter.  I pair of bookshelf sitting on a pole couldn't be safe.Now I have nothing to pair with my tube amp, ... 
Audio Research LS15 vs. SP14
I just bought one LS15 from Audiogon. Interestingly, I am also considering add a PH3 for my phono stage. Not sure why preamp burns tube like French fries, I just can’t believe it.  These are small tubes and not for power amplification.  
How about Monitor Audio Silver 8 speakers ? pair with a Mcintosh MC2105
Thanks Erik..Just got the pair of speakers from the seller's house,  it will be sitting in boxes for 3 weeks until this baby is moved to my new home..can't wait..