
Responses from dogue

Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
Things are starting to settle in. I had a bumping and long party last weekend which helped to do some solid breaking in. I still feel like the bass is a little light, but I think it's improving and still breaking in. 
Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
My room is 13'x13' with a 9' ceiling. I have the Micros about 2' out from the rear wall. So, based on what you say, it's probably just a matter of the speakers breaking in fully. I'll be certain to report back. Thanks again. 
Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
I'm using an Onkyo A-9555. It's listed as 85 Wpc at 8 Ohms, with dynamic power of 120 Wpc/8 Ohms and 200Wpc/4 Ohms. The damping factor is relatively low, listed at 25. 
Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
Mapman, thanks for the advice.I ended up ordering the Microwalsh Talls. I've had them now for just over a week. Initial impressions are quite favorable -- they are quite natural sounding and easy to place. I'm trying not to listen too critically u... 
Studio/Performance Amps for High-End Systems?
As a fellow pianist (and keyboardist/electronicist), I'm interested in this, but from a slightly different angle: I'm interested in using home speakers in performance. The ultimate goal is a higher-quality sound that fits in acoustically with othe... 
Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
One small comparison comes from the 6moons review of the MicroWalsh:"20 years ago, the most musical speaker my budget could locate was the Ohm Walsh 4. By today's standards, it sounds dated and colored..." 
Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
I've done searches, and I've found several relevant threads, including: