
Responses from doglog

Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
Holley, out of curiosity, do you find there are any drawbacks to the upgraded Omen Defs vs. the stock version? I have the opportunity to upgrade my Omens, but am not clear on how that would change the sound. 
Zu Soul Superfly
Has anyone here heard the new nanotech HO driver in the Soul Superfly MK.1-B? Really curious to know how it sounds in comparison to the driver in the Zu Omen. 
Devore Gibbon 88 vs. Devore Nines
Curious to know if anyone else has been able to compare these two speakers. Specifically, I'd like to know how the two compare with regard to bass weight and dynamics. 
Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
Thank you for this excellent write-up! I just bought a pair of Zu Omen Standards and couldn't be happier with them. I had been considering also ordering a pair of Tekton M-Lores for the sake of comparison, but I'm so impressed with the Omens that ... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Since it seems that no one has any thoughts on the Zu Omen versus the Tekton M-Lore, I've taken the plunge and purchased a set of Omens because of the favorable return policy. I'll initially be comparing them to my extant speakers as they break-in... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
I just read through this thread and wanted to thank everyone for an excellent discussion. One question I have, though, which hasn't been directly addressed, is whether anyone has personal experience with both the Zu Omen and the Tekton M-Lore? I r...