
Responses from diamonds

Dali Helicon 800 Mk2 are stunning ?
My son currently own the 400MK2 and the 800MK2. The 400s are for sale. Both of the speakers are incredible and the 400s are perfect for a regular sized room. My son has a huge room so he went and bought the 800s and all I can say is wow. I persona... 
Dali Helicon 800. What components match with it?
The Dali Helicon 800 are only way better than the 400 in a large room. Otherwise in smaller room the 400s will out perform them. 
Cary 120s...anyone heard this amp
Are you using the SLP03 preamp with the 120s amp in your store? 
I was at CES today and bought the not yet released Music Hall 7.2 directly from the room. I got a great deal on and I am just excited to hear it in my sons listening enviroment. 
What do you guys think of a Music Hall 7? Let me know. Thanks! 
In talking to my local dealer I am not going to upgrade the cart. Instead I am going to upgrade the table. You will see it on Audiogon today. Thanks again for all your help! 
Viridian -That is very well put. Thanks for all your help on this issue. I know a lot about amps, speakers, cables and digital but nothing about good old vinyl. I wouldn't have had these questions 20 years ago. Thanks again. 
So what you guys are thinking is don't spend much more than 300 bucks on a cart for that particular table? In speaking to people at Music Direct and Needle Doctor they are saying that the table is good enough for a $600 cart. I realize they are tr... 
He has used and I have listened to the cart that is on there and it sounds terrible. Closed off, non musical and dead. This is sort of an experiment but I still want to sound decent. Right now it's not so good. 
One more thing I am also slighty interested (may be more money than I want to spend) in the Dynavector 20xH. Let me know the your compairsons between the 20xH and 10xH. Thanks again! 
To answer some of the questions posed:1. Yes I am looking for a budget cartridge. Less than 500.2. He has a amp with phono stage that is MM 2.5mv. So most high output MC carts should work. Thanks again for your advice. It is very helpful!Thanks!! 
What's your profession? Age?
I am 30 years old and work in IT. My system is about 20,000 bucks. 
Acoustic Zen Adagio, How Good Are They?
I bought a pair of these speakers for my son and they are awesome. Right out of the box they are great. I picked them up yesterday and after a full night of listening I just can't believe how good they are. I am only waiting for them to get better... 
What's your profession? Age?
I own a construction company. I really started in Hi-Fi when I was young but got out of it through my 40s now that I am back into it is has taken me about two years to find the componets I really like and build my current system. I am now 55 and m...