

Responses from diamond007

OPPO BDP-93 RAM Modification Thoughts.
Check out www.referenceaudiomods.com It appears that Kyle has closed up shop and disappeared from view.Is he gone and gone for good?Only time will tell for sure. Time Heals all Wounds and Time Wounds ALL HEELS!!! 
Esoteric Mods
Check out www.referenceaudiomods.com It appears that Kyle has closed up shop and disappeared from view.Is he gone and gone for good?Only time will tell for sure. Time Heals all Wounds and Time Wounds ALL HEELS!!! 
OPPO BDP-93 RAM Modification Thoughts.
Just be sure to Google Search your Modder prior to spending your hard earned money. Google their names to see if others has had problems and check out how quickly they handled issues and how cordial they are in doing so. A Modder who runs into pro... 
Esoteric Mods
And then there is always the truth....Time rebuttal:Seriously if you didn't have the respect of even the presence of mind to be onsite for our appointments, then how would you actually know how many times I stood there for hours waiting for you. K... 
Best of luck to Brian Kyle of Xtreme Cables
I have known Brian for 8 years now and I can testify as to his strong character and the struggle he has had in bringing his internet biz to market. I only mention this as to his parallel of strength and perseverance he has upheld in his recovery. ... 
Wyred DAC-2
Jagdynamics, if you or anyone else here would like a few of these "exotic diodes" Soft Recovery/Super Fast Diodes. I made hundreds of these for Reference Audio Mods and sell them for $25 each. He didn't invent them nor did I, I just manufactured t... 
Esoteric Mods
I waited three years for Kyle of Reference Audio Mods to complete the personally hand selected components for my "World Class, West Coast Showroom System". $28,000 later I have one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL BOAT ANCHOR SYSTEMS you ever made. I travele... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Although, I truly love my Teres 255/triPlanar/XYZ Airy3S/SB/Trumpet w/S&B setups. I have to say, however, that I am somewhat confused by this mfg's. customer service or lack there of shall I say. Please read on:About three months ago I bought ...