
Responses from dhgee

What's your profession? Age?
Electrical Engineer, 55, system 8K. Been at this since I was 15 years old when I had a Dynaco/ Electrovoice system. 
Vandersteen 3A sigs, whats wrong here.
Use a test CD to do a phase test. I use a Rives Audio test CD 2. You could always just raise the cover sock on both and put some heavy kettle drums and place your finger to see if the woofer pushes out or in as others suggested. If one pushes in r... 
Other than music, why are you an audiophile?
I was borne in it. My father had a recording studio and made and played and sang making his own music. One hit he recorded was Summer in the city by the lovin spoonfull. He was not part of the group just the studio services. I scarfed a Dynaco ST-... 
From Vandersteen 2CE to Devore Gibbons 8 or Focal
You may have problems integrating a sub like that. You may distort the sound of your speakers doing it. If you blow a driver too soon you will know why. Try the Vandersteen 2Wq sub as thought is given for seamless integration. 
Need advice on amp to drive Vandersteen 2Cs
Just looking at your components I would go with an older tube preamp for about $400 or less. Audio Research Sp6, CJ pre-amp from mid 80s, lots of choices. My first tube pre-amp was a Laz cascode basic I got new for $600. Bad power transformers fro... 
Need advice on amp to drive Vandersteen 2Cs
Well I will not say transistor watts are different than tube watts. I will say the rating used to advertise power in the early days is different than today and you have to ask what test they are talking about. Back then I believe they mean you cou... 
Need advice on amp to drive Vandersteen 2Cs
I have been using ARC D70 and SP9 for 20 years. I have plenty of low base when I need it. If Base is important buy the Vandersteen sub. You have to take the time with your choice of music to listen to a good solid state vs tube at a Vandersteen de... 
Time to move on from my old SOTA ?
I still have a 1986 star and it still works well. Back spring is just within spec and front springs fine. I suppose you just remove the plinth bolts on bottom ( after removing bearing pressure) and the plinth falls out to gain entry to springs. Wo... 
Thoughts on Audio Research D70
I have had a D70 MK2 with an Sp9 MK1 since 1988 with no problems.I bought the SP9 new when it came out ($1700 in 1988)and the D70 ($1000 1990 floor model )from a dealer with used tubes. I ordered ARC tubes and used them for a long time. The ARC tu... 
Your First System
1970, I was 15 years old, had a Dynaco ST-70, REK-o-CUT player with GE cartridge, an old Zenith tube pre-amp, Viking tube reel to reel, and an 8 track deck, home built base reflex Electro-voice LS-15 full range wolverine. I also had a large stack ...