
Responses from df6698

I moved now Kef sound bad
Oups, I forgot to ask the question !What should I do so that both speakers sound the same with an un-even room like that ?Thanks,David 
I moved now Kef sound bad
thanks for all your imput, but is their a way to compensate for having a speaker 44'' from the side wall and the other from the kitchen cooking island? It seem that the speaker next to the wall play louder, I've test and it's not the equipment.Tha... 
I moved now Kef sound bad
I'll buy a new system before going back their.I've moved the speakers a lot, it help, I put them further from the back wall, the bass seam tighter, but if I'm not seating on the middle of the sofa I hear echo. 
I moved now Kef sound bad
I forgot to mention that I leave in a condo so the room mesurement included th kitchen, and dining. The left speaker is 30 inch from the wall, the right is 36 from the counter they are 8 fee appart and 12 inch from the back wall. My listening posi...