

Responses from derkaschiermeister

Grace Level ll
I got interested in Grace MM carts about 20 years ago and bought some used ones (no needle), F9 and F8. By chance I found a seller in Australia that had worked in Japan, He bought some needles from the "last batch" produced some 10 years after Gra... 
Best phono stage for Lyra Etna SL cartridge?
To get the best out of a very low impedance cartridge go for one of the phono stages that automatically adjusts. 1,2 ohm is not articulately low, but the voltage is. On the other hand they have a relatively high milli ampere output that just needs... 
Supex SDX-1100B mc cartridge
I think You need to get a Supex SUT to get the full benefit of the 1,5 Ohm impedance. Denon DL 304 can be good, but DL-S1 is a lot better. I had mine retipped by VdH almost as good as his own. 
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
One of our cats jumped up on turntable and lashed out at the air-arm ruining My VdH EMT cartridge. I went digital (for a while).Today a new turntable and a riaa recomended by Fremer: Van den Hul "The Grail" that can compete with the very best. I g... 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
In my opinion vintage Technics EPA 500 with optimized arm tubes and the magnetic damper are unbeatable if in good condition. Getting hard to find! 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul!We are not talking a big difference between AT24 and AT15SS.I fully agree with Your conclusion, they are easy to live with. I use a Jasmine Audio LP-2SE that has been modified with a Obbligato Teflon-Tinfoil in the output (great improvem... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
The AT15SS is definitely better than AT24&25. My turntable has been running for more than 30 hours with the 15 and I think it will not get much better. I kind of regret that I have bought a new Denon DL-S1, I find the AT15 almost on par with D... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I am relieved that Rauliruegas has made the same conclusion as I have: the 24&25 are outstanding mm carts! I use a ADC magnesium headshell for the 24 getting almost the same sound. That means that the 25 sounds a little more dry in its present... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Does anyone have experience with Audio Technica AT 24&25?The construction is very special, laminated permalloy ring core, torodial wound and "string" suspension like most MC carts. I load with 100k and 120pF and they sound awesome. Dynamically...