
Responses from derekbyron

Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions
Yes...definitely want to take advantage of a retailer/manufacturer that offers a trial period so that I can try out the speakers in home.I will check out the Ohm Walsh website.  Thanks for the info! 
Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions
Thanks for all the suggestions!  I'm looking into all of them.  Since I can't get to a bunch of dealers in person, I do think that a 60 day in-home trial period is critical which is why I want to buy new, not used.  Although this is my first foray... 
Putting together a system...looking for some suggestions
I can't really audition too many speakers.  I just don't have the time on the weekends to drive an hour or two to hear a set of speakers...and then drive an hour or two the following weekend to hear another.  I'm doubtful that I would accurately r...