
Responses from delavagus

Peachtree Nova in da' House
I finally got my Nova. I agree completely with Designdude: Spooky Good! I used it with a pair of Rainmakers all day -- kicked butt. Now I'm listening through a pair of Sennheiser HD 650's -- awesome! 
Peachtree Nova in da' House
Restless_times:No, they don't. I had some problems with my Decco (it was putting out a lot of noise through the headphone output). Rather than having them replace it, I got them to agree to upgrade me to the Nova.Still haven't gotten the magic e-m... 
Peachtree Nova in da' House
Thanks for the review. I'm still waiting on my Nova. I, too, would be interested to know your response (or someone else's) to Restless_times' question. I had a Decco, which I traded in for a Nova. I was happy with the Decco, but my assumption is t...