
Responses from debrey

Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC
I'm using a Shindo pre-amp and amp (Aurieges and Montrachet). So this computer audiophile set-up is going into a much more expensive system and holding up remarkably well. My turntable is a Garrard 301 with SME 3012 arm and Denon 103 needle. Speak... 
Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC
Well, I've had my Octave and USB to SPDIF devices for about 10 days now. In short, with the right set-up I am truly surprised -- I didn't think digital could sound this good, this vinyl-like. My ripped CDs have more life and soul than I thought po... 
Yamamoto YDA 01 DAC
Hi Charles,I've been following this thread, since I have an Octave on order as well.Are you using any sort of software upsampling, say with Pure Music or similar program? I'd be interested to hear what you think with and without upsampling. Everyo...