
Responses from dcramsay

Could use some help with a tough match
Thank you Unsound. Excellent post, you have helped me crystalize my way forward. I will leave the Thresholds unbalanced because frankly I firmly believe they match up well with my speakers so will look for a single ended ARC, Sonic Frontiers or c-... 
Could use some help with a tough match
Thanks John,The driver behind my change is I am in the process of upgrading. From what I have learned the general concensus is that a tube preamp is a better match for my Sonus Faber Amati's. So if I am going to change I might as well explore the ... 
Could use some help with a tough match
John,Really sorry if I came across poorly. I certainly did not mean to come across negatively and truly appreciate and welcome your suggestions and feedback. This is my first time posting here because I am trying to learn ( at least a little... In... 
Could use some help with a tough match
John,If I understand the conversation correctly with Threshold if I installed balanced inputs it is not a matter of straight math. The input impedence of the Threshold's would be approximately 600 ohms balanced. That was the issue. Certainly not a... 
Could use some help with a tough match
Thank you for all of your great feedback. What started this thread is I was looking at a BAT VAT 51se so called BAT and Threshold directly to discuss compatability. What prompted the call was the Stereophile review of the BAT which cautioned again...