
Responses from dcmnto

4 Dealer Kudos: Outstanding Service - Holm Audio, Hollis Audio Labs, Rutherforford, S.A.M.
It is amazing to me how many businesses are out there supporting our hobby.  Some seem to be there to help, many seem to be used car salesmen and there are a bunch in between. Guys like those mentioned above, deserve the kudos and the business.  ... 
S.A.M. Small Audio Manufacture.
About 6 months ago my loving wife was kind enough to suggest it might be time to get a better cartridge as we were listening to a lot of records.  Now we all know what she really meant was that I needed a new turntable and she just got the terms c... 
Battle of the Open Baffles
If you like the Maggie's, Hollis Audio Labs is doing some real cool things using active crossovers and OB subs.  
Battle of the Open Baffles
I have both open baffle subs and speakers in my painfully square room. The whole dipole concept has soo many advantages over box speakers especially in non optimal rooms (the figure 8 sound pattern allows you to put then very close to side walls)... 
Woofer pumping possibly due to tube amp when playing vinyl
No idea if this will help or if you have eliminated these potential causes, but I had a similar issue with my Pioneer and in my case there were multiple things happening.  The one cause was the turntable being too close to the magnetic fields of m... 
Best Phone Stage for under $1,000.000
I have been a big fan of parks audio and the new Puffin is a pretty dang good product for the money.  I replaced my parks audio budgie and step up with it and it is great.  Parks audio has seriously under priced the unit.  It allows for MM and MC ...