
Responses from dchazen

Sub for Quad ELS-989
Check out the Martin Logan sub, fast and tight. Much better definition than the Rel. 
Pass Labs amp choice for CLS - What would you do?
Thanks for all the suggestions. I spoke to Pass Labs and was told that the equivalent power amp for the X350.5 is the XA100.5, with maximum outputs of 28 amps each. I'm afraid that the smaller XA amps might have trouble driving the difficult CLS s... 
Pass Labs amp choice for CLS - What would you do?
Thanks for the feedback. As I continue to talk to people and read it is becoming clear that the .5 model change is important. The CLS likes a lot of power and the impedance can dip down to 2 ohms, so the amp has to be stable. I understand that the... 
Are ML CLS speakers a match with SS BAT amps?
Thanks Nsgarch. However, I have to disagree because I know what I heard from my CLS. The amp does make a difference on the bass. The SS ML3 @ 200W per channel handles the bass nicely. The late model tube ARC 200W mono amps, not as nicely. They are... 
Are ML CLS speakers a match with SS BAT amps?
Thanks Nsgarch. The CLS are up on stands and run at full range. I prefer two subs for stereo. The ARC bass was ill-defined compared to my ML3. Did you trade of some low end definition on your CLS when you switched from the ML 23.5 to the MC275? 
Are ML CLS speakers a match with SS BAT amps?
I appreciate all the comments. To Mofimadness: how would you compare the ESL to the Pass Labs on the CLS? To Nsarch: I tried a pair of 200W ARC monoblocks on my CLS and found the bass to be ill-defined. Of course, the amps sounded wonderful in the... 
My comment on CD players vs. Universal DVD players
I am primarily a 2 channel listener. I had a Mark Levinson ML36/37 combination until I tried a Denon 5910 Exemplar modified unit. As a 20 year loyal fan of Mark Levinson, I had to admit that the Denon blew it away with a larger sound stage and mor... 
Best stereo recievers of the 1970's?
Check out Marantz. 
Most helpful audio companies
Synergistic Research, Martin Logan are friendly and will talk to you. Martin Logan's long term support of its products is phenomenol. I recently replaced the panels in my discontinued CLS(es) purchased in 1987. I was amazed that product support wa...