
Responses from dbz1222

Weiss 501 DAC upgrade?
Thank you! You write so well.   
DAC Merry Go 'Round- why I stopped at Weiss
Is The Weiss 501 DAC Mk 2 upgrade worth the effort? What benefits dies it claim to provide? I am uninterested in 4 channel. What else might it do?   Thanks.   
TAS. The Absolute Sound?
@jasonbourne71 What do supermodels and stereos with great measurements have in common?   Just because they have great measurements doesnt mean you’d be happy living with them.    OK. Cancel me.   
Favourite Guitarists
Mike Dawes Joschco Stephan  
What's the oddest thing in your music collection?
It is like so.  
What's the oddest thing in your music collection?
What's the oddest thing in your music collection?