
Responses from david153

Which speakers for use with iPod?
Forgot to mention that the system I have found and am seriously tempted by is the Cambridge Soundworks MegaWorks 250D. Would I be making a good decision here? 
Which speakers for use with iPod?
OK, no worries. I have just discovered you can buy their units on Amazon, where I found they did a 300 watt system that cost under £100, including delivery! I think that shall most probably be what I get - especially as the SoundSticks I was think... 
Which speakers for use with iPod?
Just had a look for these two companies on the web. Tyler look fantastic, but are far too expensive for what I want...Do you know which Cambridge Soundworks system you bought? And also, does anybody know where I can get these in the UK, as they wi... 
What should I do with Castle Conway II speakers?
Cheers!We have tried contacting Castle in the past but to no avail - looks like it might actually be worth trying again. I had heard that it would cost something £100 to £150 to get the speakers repaired; whether this was each or for the pair I ca... 
Which speakers for use with iPod?
Unfortunately, plugging the iPod into the "big rig" via such a connector isn't a viable option for me, otherwise I would already be doing it!! I have the cables and everything, but a set of speakers is what I really need to do what I want here.Cor... 
What should I do with Castle Conway II speakers?
Yes, these speakers were damn good when they were in proper working condition, and living in the UK I shouldn't have much of a problem finding a dealer to carry out the repair!Anyone any ideas on the cost side of things?Thanks,David 
Which speakers for use with iPod?
I know Monitor Audio are a good make (we've got speakers by them on our main HiFi system) but that's a little more than I had wanted to spend - especially as I'm in the UK and they're charging £249 for them here! 
Which speakers for use with iPod?
Portability isn't really that high on my list of priorities here - I shall be stationing the speakers in my room and playing the iPod through them, and then taking the iPod away with me whenever I needed it. I am more interested in how good the sy...