
Responses from danska

Rega RB700 vs Michell Tecnoarm?
No strong reasons for not choosing the Origin Live. Both other arms are more readily available to me. I've just kind of settled on the two. Some people don't like Rega type arms on the Linn whatsoever! I can't afford an Ekos and feel more comforta... 
Ortofon 2M Black- Graham 1.5/Rega/Origin Silver
Somehow the diamond actually became unglued from the stylus. Crazy thing! Ortofon said they hadn't seen it happen unless someone was back-queuing records, which obviously I wasn't. Anyhow it only took a week or so and I had a new one! Let us know ... 
Ortofon 2M Black- Graham 1.5/Rega/Origin Silver
I have the Bronze and have used it on a Thorens TD-160 and now the Linn LP 12 w/Basik Plus which I plan on upgrading. I have heard quite a few MMs in the upper price range and found the 2M Bronze to be a real pleasure to listen to. I did hear the ...