
Responses from danip

Balanced to RCA
@almarg Thanks for the info never seen this kind of driver output on the devices I serviced (or did I miss that???).I am pretty sure that everything I laid my hands was ground referenced. Transformers were a very expensive rare option (available o... 
Balanced to RCA
btw, wasn't it DBX that had an example of those cables in their manual? 
Balanced to RCA
NEVER short pin3 to pin1 on a balanced XLR output.This would have been a perfect topic to post in the "pro audio" section.First let's explain the XLR pins :1 : ground2 : hot (+) normal signal3 : cold (-) inverted signalA XLR output is always a mal... 
Which of these power cords ?
@Kingharold It's the same theory as all those high fidelity speakers having the right true sound but they all sound different. 
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
Williewonka, to keep it very simple.The network interface sends ethernet frames which are composed of a header, a payload and a CRC. At this stage it uses mac adresses to communicate.A TCP/IP packet is a software created packet which will be the p... 
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
Williewonka, the TCP/IP stack is software not hardware.I used to be CCNA certified (never renewed because it costs money for nothing and I don't work in ICT anymore).I am not very good at this but I will try to explain the important things (relate... 
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
Williewonka, the first layers of ethernet don't have checksum and you still need a shitty cable to fail at the physical or data link layer.Statistics on my server (current uptime 27 days) : Iface     MTU   RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR   TX-OK TX-... 
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
If there is a audible difference between 2 digital cables it simply means that one of them is not doing it's "job" (could also be your devices).There is no "warmer sound", "more depth" , "more whatever" in digital audio. All you need is to have ev... 
Long unbalanced RCA or long USB cable?
It'll be the debate of "it's only '0's and '1's"Although USB has a very reliable CRC check, USB audio devices use isochronous communication which has no hardware error-check. Which means that the device itself has to be able to recover from occasi... 
Which of these power cords ?
rilbr, same logic applies to the transformer in your devices. The electricity flowing thru your PC is just part of another power line between the secondary of the transformer in the street and the primary of the transformer in your amplifier. No e...