
Responses from dan89

Newbie - Replacing front speakers & going 5.0! Advice needed :)
Thank you auxinput & @tls49 , I am going to take your advice and get the Bronze 6 speakers. In the future I will upgrade the receiver to something more powerful, as it seems to be such a critical element I will get a high end receiver to futur... 
Newbie - Replacing front speakers & going 5.0! Advice needed :)
That makes sense auxinput, thank you for the explanation. That steers me more towards the Silver 300 opposed to the Bronze 6. @tls49 that is a very good point, my receiver is only just meeting the minimum requirements for the Silver 300 and that's... 
Newbie - Replacing front speakers & going 5.0! Advice needed :)
In the UK they are doing massive discounts on the Silver 6 & 10, but the 8's seem to have all sold out everywhere in Black Oak.On three way speakers with a dedicated mid range unit the key selling point always seems to be the dedicated mid ran... 
Newbie - Replacing front speakers & going 5.0! Advice needed :)
I'll let my ears guide me then (and my wallet), either way I'll be getting a massive upgrade so I'll be happy for a while... hopefully!I quite like that idea of getting a pair of Silver 300/500 and then saving up for a Silver C350 as it will give ... 
Newbie - Replacing front speakers & going 5.0! Advice needed :)
Thank you everyone for your advice, I will definitely be comparing the Bronze 6's against the Silver 300 & maybe even the Silver 500. There is quite a big price difference, so they would need to really blow me away to justify the extra "sheckl...