
Responses from dakajoba

Please help with Ohm MWT sound/system issues
Thank you for your responses. Unfortunately I’ve been too busy for any serious listening and in addition the listening room happens to be our family room which is currently in a temporary atypical furniture arrangement for the holidays, and often ... 
How to pick a tubed integrated without hearing one
My Cayin-TA 30 with the right tubes has a great sound and has very surprising bass. It is no longer made but the Primaluna Prolouge 1 is an essential clone with auto bias feature and has received rave reviews. Prior to that I used a restored Fishe... 
Help with used TT choices: Music Hall vs Thorens
Tketcham - thanks so much for your insight. I still don't know which arm or cartridge is on the table but looks like the seller (an acquaintance) will loan me the table for a while. That should give me a great insight as to whether I am ready/will... 
Help with used TT choices: Music Hall vs Thorens
Thanks Tketcham. I believe it is the original mmf-7, which from what I've read has the aluminum arm. I believe the 7.1 introduced the carbon arm. When you said you won't be able to hear the nuances in chamber music (not much of what I listen too),... 
Help with used TT choices: Music Hall vs Thorens
Thanks. I should have included this info: They both are being sold with cartridges mounted. I'm not sure about which cartridge is being sold with the Music Hall but it may be it's original cartridge ("Goldring Eroica H high output MC"), although I... 
Eastern Electric Tubed CD player: Good Value??
I recently replaced a CAL Sigma II tube DAC with the EE MiniMax CDP and unfortunately I have not been impressed. I'm hoping that the problem is due to the stock EH tubes, but with them I find the sound a little veiled, limited bass, lacking 'air',... 
SOS Help w/ Cayin vs. vintage Fisher system sound
FYI. Correction. I thought I swapped Telefunken's because that's what most of the Fisher tubes are but the one's I firtst actually swapped (and after comparison prefer) are more likely Mullard's - labeled made in Great Britain. 
SOS Help w/ Cayin vs. vintage Fisher system sound
HOLY COW! All I can say is Telefunken 12ax7! I swapped a pair out of my Fisher 400 and the improvement has me floored. With the EH 12ax7 the sound was bright and one dimensional. Now EVERYTHING is improved and just draws me into the music. This is... 
Spica TC-50/REL Strata II vs. GMA Europa?
Thanks so for the responses so far. I would not say I listen primarily to rock, as I prefer more acoustic music, but I find I don't enjoy rock like I used to thru other speakers. In terms of sound quality, I much prefer the Spica's to the Vanderst... 
How does sound change when tubes start to fail?
Thanks so much for your responses. I hope my system sounding a little lackluster is not me! I hope its the tubes or new listening environment. Mezmo, your advice makes sense to me. Does anyone happen to have any experience with the new EH 7868 whi... 
Spica TC-50 or Vandersteen 1b/1c or ?
Thanks for the responses and advice. I do enjoy the imaging and midrange of the Spica's. But with all the good I've heard and read about the Vandersteen's I'm surprised more people have not supported or recommended them. Anyone? 
How Can I tell if the tubes I bought are vintage?
Tim, thanks for your insightful advice.Sugarbrie, you are right. I have not tried the tubes yet but am going on the assumption that authentic tubes will sound better.Ed, good idea. The tubes can be seen at : http://cgi.aol.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...