
Responses from dabreeze

How do I integrate my Equipment..
One correction on initial post the Crown amp was the $99 special buy X1000. Not the XLS Model.  
How do I integrate my Equipment..
Your probably right that the all Klipsch fronts would provide a better timber match. But, with the Audyssey calibration the Dahlquist 20i's will provide a very capable and striking soundstage. Have you ever heard the Dahlquist 20i's ? Their streng... 
How do I integrate my Equipment..
asvjerry,What do you mean by using the Onkyo for source for the trans and could you give me a idea of how to hook it all up to the Onkyo and Trans ? 
How do I integrate my Equipment..
It might be a good idea for me to contact Bill LeGall at Miller Soundin nearby Lansdale Pa for his advise. He owns both the Dahlquist 20i and Walsh ohm 2 speakers and has done many a modification on two. Loves these speakers.  
How do I integrate my Equipment..
Thanks for your response,  Bill. Not really sure I need to add 2K to enhance my system. Also, why the integrated amp with the Dahlquist  I have the Preamp.  ? I do like Carver amps with the 20i's though. I was thinking more on the line of the TFM ... 
How do I integrate my Equipment..
Entry level budget.. 
How do I integrate my Equipment..
Can anyone suggest a 200 -300WPC amp old or new with tube like properties for the front end with the tube preamp to push the Dahlquist 20i speaker. I guess than I could use the Onkyo 805 for the remaining 3 channels and powered sub for H/T purpose... 
How do I integrate my Equipment..
Would a Outlaw 5000 5 Channel amp work ? Or, any of the Emotiva amps ? 
How do I integrate my Equipment..
I guess my main concern is how to put the Tube Preamp into the system and what amp to use ( tube or solid state ) that would adequately supply the watts needed to get the most out of the Dahlquist 20i speakers. And, have the flexibility to adapt t... 
Tice MBF 4 Powerline Conditioner & enhancer ??
My bad on the model number in question. It should read MBF-3 NOT MBF-4 Powerline. Still need some info PLEASE. 
Tice MBF 4 Powerline Conditioner & enhancer ??
Anybody ? I have 2 days to decide to buy or not. Thanks